A little recap from the previous blog-post; which I believe you have read before clicking on this one :-) (If not, check it out); we saw that one of the thieves that had been crucified with Christ had been crowned as the first person who believed in the capacity of the true power of the Messiah.
Keep in mind that by this time, and at this point, Christ had been beaten so much that He was unrecognizable as Human (according to Isaiah). If you saw Christ at this stage, you would not even tell if He was of our kind; Yet this man recognized him as King. A man in the same circumstance saw Christ as better than all other living men. He saw Christ as able not just to save him from the cross and his current punishment but to save him from the ultimate punishment; Judgement with and by God.
Pause for a good minute; The criminal knew he was paying his dues. There was no chance under the Jewish law for him to be in paradise after taking people through hell. Christ was on the same cross but he perceived Christ as the source of his vindication.
We do not receive freedom from the superhero Christ walking on water. We receive freedom from his weakness. He was wounded for our transgression (Isaiah 53:5). He was crushed in our inequities. He was familiar with pain. He was despised. He was the kind people would turn their faces away from.
See, so many people miss out on the power of Christ because it is not intellectual; it is not mighty in the eyes of many, neither is it forceful and all up in your face.
The power of Christ is in the simplicity of crucifixion.
Instead of sending a healer to deliver us from sickness, God struck Jesus. Instead of sending us a lawyer, He struck Jesus, the advocate before our father.
The mystery of the Kingdom is in the lowly things.
For God and to God, the way up is down!
Nelson Gacheru.